National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) 2020 | Virtual

Prodew is a certified Minority Owned company and is a member of the National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC). Each year, the NMSDC hosts a trade show, but Prodew could never participate because it conflicted with the PMA Fresh Summit. However, this year, with the virtual platform, Prodew and its sister company, Aguair, exhibited their sanitization products.

The NMSDC platform was simple. Veredesigns created the 'banners' to display in the virtual booth and added the content to the platform. This virtual show enabled us to link the companies' social media platforms, literature, and videos to the booth. The primary function of the platform was to give an overview of the company, offer links to supplemental marketing materials, and provide a chat tool for Prodew and Aguair's sales team to initiate contact with potential customers.